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[RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 4, 2021 18:41:33 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
if i'm a danger to myself
Just think what I could do to you

The autumn wind swirled through the flatlands with increasing ferocity as each day passed, time moving blisteringly fast as winter continued to knock upon autumn's door wishing, no, begging to be let in. The fog had thickened over Kirigakure but lightened in the eastern flatlands of the country. The winds of change sweep it away, never allowing it to settle for long enough to make a difference. Instead, it all created a strange, ominous, overcast atmosphere. As if the cold air were biting at the lungs unforgivingly, nipping at cheeks and nose, turning them pink with the exchange of seasons.

The distant sound of crashing waves, the wind, and the twinkling lights of a town upon what felt like the horizon just over a hill all aided in this atmosphere. The town lights were mirrored by the lights of the forest just west. Were the lights spirits, or just fireflies? Impossible to tell from here. But adventure beckoned, Mizu no Kuni moaned and cried despairingly, with the sounds of animals and perhaps ancient souls. So much yet left undiscovered. Untouched by the jaded people of the cities, unwilling to re-discover what their ancestors might have left for them to learn.

A teenager stood here, in all of this. An expression of pure hope and quiet bliss. He seemed pensive, yet content. He had a book in hand, old and tattered but still readable. And he had it open as he compared something that was in the book, that was out all around.

He wore a traveler's cloak, even though it was obvious he was no traveler as he had the symbol of Kirigakure no Sato emblazoned upon the left pectoral of his cloak, it was displayed proudly.

There was no one else around, though the sensation of being watched permeated the area, prickling the senses like electricity or a cool drink on the hottest of summer days. Like a sigh that would leave the lips with satisfaction after a job well done. It was there, all around and the boy who stood there seemed all too aware that he was being watched and yet still he was staring at the book and back to the flatlands, his heart steeled with bravery and determination. His mind was full of the desire for exploration, and respect for the world all around. His features were pensive and contented.

A whole island to explore and little time to waste.

Would you approach?

[All who wish to participate have a week to respond before the random encounter officially begins]

last edit by Kaguya Toru on Nov 4, 2021 18:50:21 GMT -5
Han has written 2,376 posts
[RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 4, 2021 21:05:08 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

On this chilly Autumn day, Asuka was out and about in the village however not for pleasant reason she’d make her way towards the end of the island having sense a very familiar series of chakra signatures. "Izaya, Miyuki, Ryu!” the trio had run off from the academy earlier in the day and hearing of this Asuka took it upon herself to locate them particularly concerned for Miyuki, she was happy she was making friends but was worried that the girl might be in trouble.

She had felt traces of them in this direction but due to her lack of range the trail ran somewhat cold. On her way deep through the village she’d encounter a young man however who stood with a book in his hand the Kirigakure logo emblazoned on his clothing. "Oh excuse me! Have you seen a young girl around here with white hair about yea tall?” she’d make a hand gesture towards the older gentlemen placing her palm about a foot below her actual body as a way of denoting the size of the girl in question.

"She’s my younger sister and I think she may have gotten lost.” Asuka was sent out by the other instructors to make sure that they were alright but with the rate at which these kids had been going about getting themselves in trouble she just might worry herself to death, she can already feel the grey hairs riding up on the back of her neck.




Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
[RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 4, 2021 21:32:27 GMT -5
Waruichi Miyuki
Academy student go grr
Waruichi Miyuki Avatar
age 9 years old birthday 10/21/21 rank Academy Student occupation Academy Student

A Pint-size snowball of a girl was enjoying her random direction stroll in a forested area. Miyuki often did this with the unknowing changes of seasons. She was an oddball in both her clan and her village. One of the more notable is a strange need or call to wander in whatever direction she claims "calls to her." It is usually just some view or random stroll for hours in no set path or course of action. Most assume she wanted a change of scenery or some alone time from over the watchful eye of her older sister Asuka. She claims she felt or heard something calling her to the said area. Today was a bit different as the girl had a bit of change to her. Having felt the need to have Asuka spend time putting her hair in a ponytail. Miyuki usually detested any change or touching of her hair. She kept her signature two white flowers in their usual spots in her hair with two thick strands of hair in front of her ears as that, and her bangs remained the same.

It had seemed to be hours since Miyukiactually acknowledged her surroundings. She remembers hanging with a few of her fellow classmates; then, her mind was blank. What was she doing here? Where was she? She usually didn't have missing moments other than when she was asleep, but her mind was drawing a blank on how she got so far from the village. She looked around where she stood in thought before moving into the clearing only to see a figure and her older sister Asuka. So Asuka was here? Was she looking for her? Miyuki slowly moved towards the clearing in absolute silence, watching both her sister and the figure.
Miyuki Waruichi has written 35 posts
[RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 8, 2021 10:09:12 GMT -5
Kasumi Momochi
A true justice must be served.
Kasumi Momochi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday Feburary 22nd rank Chuunin occupation

There is only one path left to take.

Were winters always this cold in Kirigakure? It seemed every year Kasumi was caught off guard by the frigid temperatures. Sure, it didn't help that she almost never dressed appropriately. Pants were out of the question, but Kasumi had buttoned up her large jacket for a change. Other than that, her plan to stay warm was simple exercise.

She'd be jumping from tree to tree, her body loose and slowly warming up. As she took a break on a tree limb, she raised a brow as she spotted Asuka and some stranger in the woods. She did a quick little warm up dance, getting her blood flowing again in her limbs so she wouldn't shicer. Actually, as she moved the cold seemed to stop bothering her.

Well, she had no issues with interupting strange meetings in the woods. So with another long jump, Kasumi landed roughly next to Miyuki. She'd never met the kid, but still gave her a friendly wave.

"Oi oi, kid, what's goin' on here huh? I've never seen that dude. Oh my. Does Asuka-chan have a boyfriend she's been hiding? This is big news!"

Kasumi would approach the two with a wide grin, chuckling a bit. She had clearly gone ahead and jumped to the conclusion she had drawn earlier.

"Asuka! You should introduce me to your friend here. I can't believe you've hid this from me."

Demon Chakra:

Kasumi has become known for her strange chakara form. When in a dire situation, she is capable of releasing her chakra, which in turn takes a strange color unlike the normal blue color of chakra, and takes the form of a demonic cat figure. She is then enveloped in a demon shroud.

This ability grants her a fierce looking aura, that may come off as intimidating and a tenacity to push beyond their normal limits physically- when this mode is activated, Kasumi is harder to knock out or kill and will generally fight for longer than a normal body is capable of.

Keeping this ability active has a medium drain on Kasumi's chakara.

Kenjutsu Training:
Since a young age, Kasumi has felt the weight of a sword in her hands. She's practiced combat with swords, and is able to compete with some of the best sword users around. That said, people who lack training with a sword or intensive Taijutsu tend to be overwhelmed by her skill.

Jutsu used:

Bloo has written 496 posts
[RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 8, 2021 21:56:10 GMT -5
Kaguya Seilin
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kaguya Seilin Avatar
age birthday rank Academy Student occupation
    It just had to be today. Of all the times that her twin had the perfect opportunity or a moment when starting trouble would have been warranted, he would opt out. The young girl would shake her head lightly as she seemingly glided through the mist, her hands together, folded in the sleeves of her kimono as it swayed in the cool breeze and mist. Regardless of her outer appearance, a minor panic had set in for her, because she was not near her younger brother to potentially protect him from any assailant, whoever, or whatever that might be. While it didn't completely show to the instructor, Asuka, Seilin had checked more than a few areas that Izaya would have gone. She had been told that they all decided to disappear and now here she was moving with purpose through the mist in hopes of finding her brother, although she would have found the others too, if they were with them. Izaya was her main concern though.

    Izaya was a free spirit in the opposite sense of herself. She was open within the world itself, noting beauty in the more minor things, while Izaya found extraordinary beauty in the world at large, so this place alone would have called to him like a demon wanting hell itself. She had feared that something would happen, him being her only immediate family left in the world. The two had known loss and despite the pain that came with it, they moved past it together, never allowing it to deter them from pushing in their own way. Izaya still had the bright personality and to Seilin's dismay, he was a bit too friendly at times, which meant he could get himself into something potentially damning a little too quickly.

    Coming into the clearing, an uneasy feeling came over her. There was beauty in the unseen and beauty in the prospect of what the unknown held, but even beauty was dangerous. Seilin knew that first hand from stories and what she herself was attempting to achieve. Looking to the center of the area, Seilin's eyes would land upon the instructor, Asuka, and two other figures and with continuing glance around the area, she would also notice one of the girls from the academy as well and that meant that Izaya should have been here as well. At least based on what she knew, the girl would have been one of the ones that went missing with Izaya but maybe the adults of the group had found them all and her only business currently was with Asuka.

    With a bit more pep in her step, Seilin would drift over to the middle of the clearing, her rushed walk still appearing graceful but clearly with purpose. She would slightly bow to all three of them before speaking to Asuka. "I see you have located one." she'd pause to direct her gaze to the girl at the edge of the clearing before turning her eyes to the rest of the area around them, literally doing a slow spin as she spoke to survey the rest of the area. "What news of Izaya?" she'd ask calmly, although her eyes would slightly narrow. She was definitely going to slap him for making her worry.

    TheMerines has written 9 posts
    [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 9, 2021 20:13:15 GMT -5
    Kaguya Izaya
    Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
    Kaguya Izaya Avatar
    age birthday rank occupation
    Im with the winnin team they make sure im not in last place
      That Way -- Lil Uzi Vert
     outfit: ---
    words: 382

    ❥ Izaya had only been with his friends but a moment ago, or maybe a few moments ago. The three had been traveling and enjoying the sites together, but at some point he got separated from his friends. He had found something off the path they were on, it had shined in the corner of his eye near the bushes and he went to check it out. He figured it might be some jewel or metal hit by what little light made it through the mist in the area. He had been right as it turned out to be a shuriken inside the bushes. Someone must have been training and lost it, Izaya grinned with excitement. ”Hey guys!” he turned and exclaimed only to find his friends have moved on without him.

    The realization that he had said nothing to his friends before splitting from the group hit him. ’I should try catching up’ he thought to himself setting down the path they were on. He kept the shuriken in his hand as he tried to catch up, and he thought he seen the silhouette of one of them but soon lost them again. He wasn’t sure how long it had been, he often got side tracked by a few things before snapping out of it to keep on. ’This is troublesome, Ms. Asuka might get mad’ he thought to himself as if his past actions were not a problem. Then a realization hit him. ”Seilin will be mad”, he imagined the lecture he would get from the both of them. The fact that he snuck away also started to set in and he knew detention awaited. As he started to think about his possible future he noticed a figure out the corner of his eye in the clearing. It was Miyuki!

    Izaya ran out smiling and waving the Shuriken he had found earlier. ”Hey Miyuki look what I found!” It was almost like he forgot he had even been looking for any of them as he showed off his new souvenir. He hadn’t noticed the others yet, and wouldn’t until he realized where Miyuki had been heading to. He seen two people he had never met, and with them were Ms. Asuka and… ”Oh hey sis” he smiled and waved at her.

    ♚ Made by SYLVIA of SA and GS ♚
    has written 11 posts
    [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 11, 2021 0:20:32 GMT -5
    Suzuki Taru
    Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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    age birthday rank occupation
    The changing of the seasons was an interesting time. It was interesting because it was liminal. Temporary, transitional. That was the time when the veil was thinnest, at the moments and places that were temporary and moving. When the world was a ghost of what it had been in the past, but also a ghost of what it would become in the future. This time of year, a shinobi could go outside and breathe in, breathe in the cool air and feel the spirits of the season starting to crawl out of their hidey-holes. Taru was always compelled to the wilderness by this time. Who knew what could happen when some creatures were going to sleep and some were waking? 

    The woods were interesting. Alight with strange lights that she was interested in examining the source of. Just examining, not following. Following the lights was a slightly dangerous thing, even though she was experienced with it. She knew the woods to be full of mystery. 

    Today it was full of a different kind of mystery than what she was anticipating. Sat up in a tree, twigs all in her hair, she saw a strange young man with a book. He looked worldly. Ephemeral. That's how she knew he must be a journeyer, yes, a scholar. In whichever case, he was someone who knew things, and that was interesting. 

    A gaggle of people were around him now, speaking to him. She would be a watcher for now and try to learn what she could. 
    has written 379 posts
    [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 12, 2021 10:19:28 GMT -5
    Kaguya Toru
    "Live or die, just do it well.
    Kaguya Toru Avatar
    groupMist Shinobi
    age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you

    It seemed that despite the chilly weather within the mysterious flatlands of Mizu no Kuni, there was still quite a little group collecting in the area. The young man continued to stand unabashed by the people, except for the fact that some of them were in fact interacting with him. So, when Asuka approached calling out to him in her desperation to find the little one, he would turn his head from his very determined studies.

    "No," He responded. His voice a wisp upon the wind, relieved to be leaving his lips. He had not seen anyone, or rather he had been certain he had not seen anyone that was solid. But, the little figure of about 'yea' high and white hair came into view soon enough, and he would point over towards her approach and the approach of another, also with white hair.

    But, he didn't say a word, his gaze moving back to whatever it was he was reading. Kasumi's approach was totally ignored, her loud demeanor had no place in such sacred silence, or what the teenager felt was sacred silence. The book possessed things of great importance, after all, he couldn't just look away from every little thing that came up. Fortunately, much of the rest of the conversation did not seem pointed at him.

    And, of course, there was Taru. In the woods, keeping her distance quietly. She was the watcher of the moment, but the prickling sensation of being watched would fall upon the group with her presence heavier than before.

    That feeling, it was powerful, electrifying and if the crew silenced themselves for but a moment to feel the energy of the world around them, they would feel it too.

    Despite all the chatter, the dark-haired boy would shut his book, snapping it closed deftly. He didn't refer to anyone, didn't look at anyone but the great beyond, his gaze, in fact, fixated on the world ahead. Or was it ahead? Perhaps it was somewhere else entirely, his lips would begin to recite as if he were caught in a trance.

    "Your feet upon stone, your eyes upon the sky, you quiver with the cold, whilst the ocean roars below. Where am I? Who am I? Where am I found? Only where stone touches the sky, and the sun goes to die."

    And with that, as if caught in a trance he would begin to move. Had he just spoken a riddle? Perhaps. Would the group follow him to discover what lied ahead, would they too become travelers of the beyond, pilgrims of Mizu no Kuni? Only time would tell.

    Han has written 2,376 posts
    [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 12, 2021 11:13:04 GMT -5
    Asuka Waruichi
    Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
    Asuka Waruichi Avatar
    age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

    As the young girl awaited the mans response in her panic the man would respond shortly saying no. Asuka would then seem a tad dejected only to be called out by Kasumi, she’d look back. "Kasumi?” she was somewhat astonished to see her here. "What’re you doing out here you know shouldn’t be allowed outside of the--” as she responded to the other girl she’d sense a familiar chakra and look out in it’s direction spotting Seilin. "Seilin? Why are you here Academy students aren’t allowed too.” shortly after however she’d sense Miyuki’s chakra looking out in it’s direction. "Miyuki!” the girl would state running towards her.

    "What’re you doing out here! Both of you should know that you aren’t allowed too--” after a moment Izaya would rush into the clearing the prodigal troublemaker. "Izaya! Did you put them up to this! What did I tell you about leaving the village!” the young Kaguya was seen waving around a shuriken. Which she would immediately snatch from him.

    "Give me that, academy students aren’t allowed to play with actual weapons.” she’d place it in her pocket. She’d gesture for Seilin to come towards her. "All of you stay behind me!” the young instructor was highly upset with her students for disobeying school rules when they should be in class, but was mostly happy that the youngsters were safe. Now come on we’re going back home, she’d say huddling up her students.

    "Be careful out here Kasumi.” she’d then notice with her passive sense that someone else might’ve been in the vicinity but the signature was unfamiliar and she’d march in the opposite direction. "Is there anyone else that went with you, that I should know about?” she’d say looking to the three of them. In the background however the young man would begin to chant but Asuka would ignore him as she attempted to scold her children and bring them home. "I'm very dissapointed in all of you."




    Asuka would be caught in the mist and would attempt to strike out at the young girl using the [Silken Fist: Counter Blow] but due to her uncertainty of where to strike her follow through was poor and may or may not have hit her target. However in the process of doing so she was caught with a strike to the gut by her opponent and pushed further into the mist for now she awaits her opponents next move.

    Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
    With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

    Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
    Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

    Iron Burst:
    As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

    A Disciplined Iron Bull:
    During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

    MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
    [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 13, 2021 16:19:58 GMT -5
    Waruichi Miyuki
    Academy student go grr
    Waruichi Miyuki Avatar
    age 9 years old birthday 10/21/21 rank Academy Student occupation Academy Student

    Miyuki watched the scene before her looking towards every voice she recognized, still unmoving in where she stood. First, she turned to the figure that landed next to her. interesting loud voice the one had. She knew of her sister, but for the life of Miyuki, she did not know Kasumi. "Sister Asuka does not have a boyfriend. She has been too busy taking care of the other students and us under her care at the academy."She spoke in response before turning to the next voice being to Selin. Miyuki didn't pay much mind to faces she never interacted with; however, this girl reminded her of a companion that had followed along was her. "Izuya was following us, we do believe at least. But if we are honest, he might have gotten lo-" She trailed off as Izuya came out of the blue waving his recent discovery, an actual Kunai, finding things was so cool. Miyuki slowly turned her attention back to her older sister running to her side, only to get a scolding she had no clue was meant for. "Did we do something wrong? We were not hurt nor caused any trouble."
    She spoke confused before looking around. "We heard a voice calling to us. It called us here, and they happened to follow us. Still, we hear the voice as it is closer but know not of what it wants."Spoke Miyuki blinking slowly as she heard the new male speak. She listened to his words as they were confusing as she didn't know what he meant in his words. However, she felt there must have been a reason for her being here, and the guy seemed to be the key to finding why the collective of Academy students and a few higher ranking ninja was there.

    last edit by Waruichi Miyuki on Nov 13, 2021 16:23:36 GMT -5
    Miyuki Waruichi has written 35 posts
    [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 18, 2021 9:00:02 GMT -5
    Kasumi Momochi
    A true justice must be served.
    Kasumi Momochi Avatar
    age 17 years old birthday Feburary 22nd rank Chuunin occupation

    There is only one path left to take.

    Kasumi, despite her jokes, did have a deep worry that something was off. Very off. The man, of course, was strange. Then when Asuka pointed out that Kasumi wasn't supposed to be here, she looked a little surprised. She wasn't supposed to be here. Why had she come here again?

    It was as if the area had called to her.

    Before she could voice this, though, the student pointed out that they were called here. It was suspicious that multiple mist shinobi were gathered here. Something just didn't feel right about this.

    "Hey, uh, Asuka-sensei... I got a weird feeling about this, aye. Isn't it kind of weird we all ended up here?"

    The boy in white started to speak, completely ignoring Kasumi's earlier words. A little rude, really, but it made Kasumi think again the man was not here by accident. Was this an enemy? With Kirigakures expansion attempts, there was a chance they made some local enemies.

    "This guy gives me a bad feeling, Asuka. I think we should tail him. Maybe he knows where your other missing kid is, eh? Just stay on your toes."

    Not even waiting for an agreement, Kasumi would start after the mysterious man. She'd follow a safe distance behind, her hand resting on her sword.

    Demon Chakra:

    Kasumi has become known for her strange chakara form. When in a dire situation, she is capable of releasing her chakra, which in turn takes a strange color unlike the normal blue color of chakra, and takes the form of a demonic cat figure. She is then enveloped in a demon shroud.

    This ability grants her a fierce looking aura, that may come off as intimidating and a tenacity to push beyond their normal limits physically- when this mode is activated, Kasumi is harder to knock out or kill and will generally fight for longer than a normal body is capable of.

    Keeping this ability active has a medium drain on Kasumi's chakara.

    Kenjutsu Training:
    Since a young age, Kasumi has felt the weight of a sword in her hands. She's practiced combat with swords, and is able to compete with some of the best sword users around. That said, people who lack training with a sword or intensive Taijutsu tend to be overwhelmed by her skill.

    Large Chakra Reserves:
    Kasumi was born with higher than average chakara reserves, letting her use more chakara and jutsu without being exhausted. A natural gift from her lineage. She has learned how to properly take advantage of these reserves.

    Jutsu used:

    last edit by Kasumi Momochi on Nov 18, 2021 9:00:22 GMT -5
    Bloo has written 496 posts
    [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 19, 2021 3:40:03 GMT -5
    Kaguya Seilin
    Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
    Kaguya Seilin Avatar
    age birthday rank Academy Student occupation
      She had been here searching for Izaya but it seemed they stumbled upon another mystery in and of itself. The man before them seemed to be both here and yet in another instance he seemed to be of an entirely different world. Seilin had yet to move from the spot in the clearing as she watched the man, while her sensei seemed to stomp with fury, due to their presence. However, as Asuka started to speak, Seilin's attention was held by the man before them.

      Even so, she followed her sensei as instructed but by this point, her focus was on the energy around her as well as herself. Something was off, more like mesmerizing and captivating in more ways than one. There was an unseen force that just seemed to radiate from the area. Once she allowed her anger to ebb, she realized even she had felt drawn to the area without knowing. For once, it seemed like Izaya's little adventure was something he would have her fully participating in. Rolling her eyes at the lecture, she would sigh. If it wasn't for Izaya's shenanigans she wouldn't even be hearing this and she definitely didn't like lectures where she was being reprimanded for something that wasn't her fault really. "Sensei, we are the only ones who came out here and I came here for him." she'd point to her twin.

      Her sensei spoke of going home but now that Seilin was silent and just sitting in the area, even she could feel the energy seemingly rounding itself up in this one area. She had noticed his movements seemingly weird to her at first earlier, having him point at both herself and Miyuki, however, now her interest in not just him but the story, was piqued. He had just started talking and Asuka's spotlight had completely disappeared as the young girl listened to every word intently, her eyes practically shining.

      Turning to her twin, she'd smile briefly before saying, " I was upset, but I think we just found an adventure that is steeped in the arts and legends itself." That entire speech that flowed from that man sounded not just like a riddle but a form of the mystery's poetry to Seilin. As a result, she had become enamored and well....quite frankly, there was no point in turning back now. She found Izaya and that was her original problem so as long as they stayed together, everything would be fine. Smiles were rare but Izaya was one of the few individuals who could get her to.

      "Sensei, punish me later but at this point, that man is onto something and I can't tell you what YET, but it's big. You can protect us as long as we follow orders, which we will." She made her case first before adding, "Whatever it is, called all of us here or summoned us in some way, even Miyuki and the most shocking, myself as well. So since we are here, we may as well see what this is." she'd pause again to gauge the reaction but in her mind, this really wasn't up for debate. Not even a little bit. "So then, now that it's been settled, let's go!" she'd say before grabbing Izaya's hand and bolting after Kasumi. The young girl was never one to cause trouble but since they were already in trouble and it would be a waste if it was for nothing, well this would count as something actually WORTH getting lectured over. "Miyuki you too!! Come on!" she'd yell back.

      While she did just say she was willing to follow orders, she also was willing to follow the adventure too. For once, Izaya should be happy she came out because now they're going to be running free together. Seilin made sure not to run too far away though, thinking her sensei would be more cooperative if even while acting out, there was some restraint shown. She would follow quickly yet silently, allowing herself to take in the area and feelings. Committing it to memory.


      last edit by Kaguya Seilin on Nov 19, 2021 3:48:48 GMT -5
      TheMerines has written 9 posts
      [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 19, 2021 11:37:05 GMT -5
      Suzuki Taru
      Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
      Suzuki Taru Avatar
      age birthday rank occupation
      There was much babbling from the students and their elders, who seemed concerned with them roaming off or some such things. Taru was familiar enough with that kind of mumbling, mumbling, chastising, that she paid it little mind in order to fixate entirely on the strange teen and his strange book and his strange demeanor. All these things were compelling to her, and her curiosity. She wanted nothing more than to know exactly what he was talking about. 

      His eyes fixed forward, as if he was seeing something. A vision? No, maybe a realm beyond. The future, the past? A parting of the veil? There were many options and Taru wanted to see what he saw, too. 

      His riddle. His riddle... 

      She turned it over in her mind. Feet upon stone, eyes towards the sky. She looked up at the sky for a moment, contemplating it. She was not the subject of the riddle. None of them were. It was something else. A thing, a place. 

      Where stone touches sky, where the sun goes to die. The horizon. 

      Taru would begin to follow him, hopping down from her perch to tail the strange teen, unceremoniously revealing her presence to the group. 

      "Are we visiting a place between day and night?" She would ask him. More to see if he would respond, could respond, than anything else. Was he so set upon this riddle that he had been consumed by it entirely, led by some unknown force? 
      has written 379 posts
      [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 19, 2021 14:07:15 GMT -5
      Kaguya Toru
      "Live or die, just do it well.
      Kaguya Toru Avatar
      groupMist Shinobi
      age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
      if i'm a danger to myself
      Just think what I could do to you

      A total madhouse. A cacophony. So many random people, all of them talking. Loudly. A symphony that drowned out the orchestra of nature. The young man didn't like that too much as he had uttered his riddle. But, it seemed that everyone - barring a few - were on their toes. Held there with bated breath as he started to walk forward. Only one individual though addressed him directly. And the dark-haired boy glanced at the white-haired girl. There was no smile, as he was still weary by all the strangers. Perhaps they would totally ruin the journey.

      There was a liveliness in his gaze, a special kind. As if he were other-worldly. Knew of something beyond what simply existed in the here and now. Perhaps all would witness this other world today. Or perhaps, Asuka's practicality would ruin it all. Time would tell, and only time could tell.

      "Between all times, and none at all." He responded. Taru was clearly getting the spirit of it all as they walked on. Each step lifting pollen into the air, soft dew sticking to sandals and trousers. Who knew how many would follow, but those that did not answer the call would be left behind in the dangerous world of Mizu no Kuni without the company of others.

      As they walked, the dark-haired youth would look at Taru, she had been the only one to speak to him. To ask a pertinent question. He could tell that she had unique energy about her as if she were born from nature.

      "It is a place untouched by simple man, and only the worthy will see beyond the hours of day. We will know the worthy when we arrive."

      And their journey would thus continue, perhaps filled with the delightful sweet air of interest, and curiosity. Perhaps filled with a bitter dread of what might come in this great vast nothingness.

      Han has written 2,376 posts
      [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllNov 21, 2021 0:55:59 GMT -5
      Asuka Waruichi
      Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
      Asuka Waruichi Avatar
      age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

      As the others all talked at once the chunin would look out at the group of individuals. Asuka would look to her younger sister whom she kept close to her who had asked had she done anything wrong and that she hadn’t caused any trouble. "That’s beside the point Miyuki, academy students aren’t allowed outside the village grounds you know that.” she’d look out at the others. "That goes for all of you…” she’d say looking to them but as Kasumi got her attention the girl looked ready to explode.

      But the girl would speak sense, "Yes...yes...you have a point I just need a moment to think.” but before she could do anything the younger Kaguya would state the only reason that she came outside was for her brother and shortly after would follow after the man without waiting for confirmation. As that went on another girl would emerge revealing herself to the group of individuals so this was the other person she was sensing. As she moved forward the man would move as well everyone seemed to want to follow along on this journeym this caused Asuka to worry each of these kids were now her responsibility and because they all wanted to rush off on adventure she was going to be the one to pay for it. "Fine, fine...we’ll go but all of you stay behind me.” she’d say tugging at Seilin’s collar and pulling her back behind her. With all of the children now ushered behind her she’d walk beside Kasumi who kept her sword at the ready.

      "I understand what you’re trying to do but exercise a bit more caution next time, I can’t have all of you getting hurt.” she’d say scolding her. "Never the less you made the right call I’m proud of you.” It was her duty as an instructor to keep children safe but it was also the job of a shinobi to take initiative whenever it was necessary and Kasumi was taking all of the proper steps and Asuka was glad to see it. However as they walked Asuka would look at the newcomer. "Tell me do you know that girl I’ve seen her around before I think she may be a genin like yourself.”




      Asuka would be caught in the mist and would attempt to strike out at the young girl using the [Silken Fist: Counter Blow] but due to her uncertainty of where to strike her follow through was poor and may or may not have hit her target. However in the process of doing so she was caught with a strike to the gut by her opponent and pushed further into the mist for now she awaits her opponents next move.

      Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
      With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

      Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
      Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

      Iron Burst:
      As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

      A Disciplined Iron Bull:
      During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

      MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts